
“And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.” (Ephesians 6:19-20 KJV)

Bonds? Like a fetter or a chain? Was not Paul just describing in this very chapter the armour of God? It seems to be a real dilemma that we contemplate as we find ourselves in similar situations. He describes spiritual armour and yet is in physical chains. He rightfully describes armour which is everlasting and more real than anything in this world. Armour that is solid enough to equip you for any battle, and he is intentionally placed in chains through the providence of God that he might have the opportunity to thoroughly contemplate which of the two is the real reality. In contrast, we all remember the story of the man who was bound by an unclean spirit roaming through the tombs outside of the Gadarenes who could not be bound by chains (see Mark 5:1-20). His story was one of excommunication from the city through fear and isolation and all the physical freedom in the world could not give him sanity. Both of these characters seem to have stories that are out of place and can cause a person to think. Neither of these characters are necessarily in their situation from poor management of their circumstances, but rather as slaves. The one a slave to God and the other a slave to the world. The most wonderful thing is that Jesus maintains authority in each case and gives each an opportunity to have a relationship with Him. Those who are willing to follow Jesus have both reality that is more real than the physical and sanity that is as peaceful as the day after the battle is over.

It is never a matter of removing your chains or not letting your chains entangle you. It is a matter of waiting on Him, letting Him complete the work that He has for you and those around you, and surrendering what you think is reality to Him that He might reveal what is really real. The day will come when our enemy is chained with one of the most real chains (see Revelation 20:1), but would it not be a shame for us to arrive at that day without ever letting Jesus work in us that we would know the power of His hand better because His work is personal and not just generally against wicked powers?

“Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” (Matthew 6:34 KJV)

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