“And God spake all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.” (Exodus 20:1,2 KJV)
The ten commandments. One of the most widely known, and quite possibly, respected passages of scripture. But why, “…out of the land of Egypt…” and “…out of the house of bondage”? Why were the contents of this chapter not delivered back in either Exodus 3 (Moses at the burning bush) or Exodus 15 (when they fully realize what God did for them in exiting Egypt)? Or maybe even have this already written in stone somewhere at the very foundation of the world? Why does God speak these words to them now and make his notes in stone for anyone who might forget that conversation?
Do you tell an infant to not steal? A child grows to understand his parents and the world around him before he is able to receive specific instruction. The people that God just brought out of Egypt (and we as Christians today) have had a daily opportunity to see God work, hear His voice, and learn to walk in a simple trust in Him for the provision of our daily needs. When God’s spirit shows us for who we are and convicts us for the sin within and we accept His forgiveness and grace; then we have a better capacity to receive specific instruction. Then we can really know what God is saying both to us and the world around us. Then His commands resonate within our heart and we have the ability to want to follow that instruction. We can then see the benefit in holding fast to His words.
Is it any wonder that the very next verse should remind us to remove all the distractions? It is tragically sad that before these stone tablets were even delivered, those that they were meant for first were already busy with something else and could not receive what was being given to them. It is a reminder to always be attentive for what God has.
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3 KJV)